Kun näemmä ympäri maailmaa Talkkarin juttuja luetaan, kuulemma naurunpurshadusten säestämät käännökset ulkomaalaisille ystäville ovat osin menneet ohi korvien, niin tässä hieman apuja käännösohjelman avustaman "tikitalkkina" ( Esa Tikkanen ) Ei sen puoleen, Talkkariltakin pääsi yksi jos toinenkin huutonauru ja vain kerran tuli pudottua tuolilta. Talkkarin englaninopettaja antaisi koulunumeron 6, ihan yrittämisestä ja pitkästä kirjoituksesta . . . .
Ask about sex - Caretaker is responsible. . . sort of.
Once again, the caretaker must give honest answers when called. Professionals evade the truth or just the top without telling the right answer.
So, issues like the question to send a lady 25 years:- My problem concerns the sex of our lives. Or actually you could say that any sex life is not. We have been dating a couple of years, and right at any time having sex just have not had.
- Caretaker answer: Apparently the man likes you, then you are a backdrop, or charcoal ugly woman:
Test 1 Otahan a few ns. from the cabinet, which came on out, Haavisto, Sillanpää Toivola, or invalid, and try his eggs. , Where a reaction occurs, then the message is a front selvä.Olet only.
Test 2 Wear your nice clothes and go to one of juottolaan work to the site. Calculate the next morning and iskemisyritykset QUICKIES what the evening you have completed. On the other hand men can kännitilalla and is relevant to this test, but please be pu `hailee received little sex. But keep in mind that condoms according to that catch infectious diseases.
The next question relates to virginity:
Can a man become a virgin again, if there are enthusiasts without having sex with more than five years?
- Caretaker is responsible for: the Honourable Member nickname already said the issue. . . Mr. Sultan for 50 years. Stern son of the village have been cheated, maybe the guys at the bar Esso höynäyttäneet silly time to man the boy. Jorma treatment, in men, but once it goes. . . IF YOU have got to press more than just a blow-up doll or a magazine.
The next question goes to probably the ash door to side. The question the young lady would like her boyfriend fuck ash pit side. And the girl said to herself already been training with vegetables and vegetables.
- Caretaker is responsible for: Continue on this path, but, as practice makes perfect. Of course, if redneck your boyfriend freely without does not put you in the ash door, so you can always another "trick" to it. Lights off, and the man on horseback riding, first "there" and for a moment hekomoituanne store it in an organic food back at the gate and sit down firmly on all . . . And a reminder to the word in hygiene: No diarrhea, and other wash transom and strip the "trucking pastilles" the ass hairs.